Partnership with FH Europe Foundation

Starting in 2019, the scientists and investigators who form the EAS FH Studies Collaboration (FHSC) work in partnership with patient representative network, FH Europe Foundation. 

One voice in Europe on FH

FH continues to be a major global health problem, very common — worldwide, one in every 200‑500 people has FH — yet widely underdiagnosed and undertreated. Most people who have FH do not know they have it. These people have inherited high cholesterol, and are at risk for premature atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular events that are often fatal. But if FH is identified early, and effective treatment begun, individuals with FH can live long and healthy lives.

Through this collaboration FH Europe Foundation and the FHSC will speak with one voice on FH, and by linking FH patient groups with expert clinicians from all over the world, we will share globally established best practices that will mean more persons with FH are identified early and, once they are identified, a smoother pathway for the patient to referral and potentially life-saving treatment in the clinic.

EAS FHSC & FH Europe Foundation work together on our common goals towards improving care for FH patients: working within the FH community with initiatives reducing gaps in knowledge, informing best practice, assisting in clinical trials design, and supporting clinical guidelines and development of policies; reaching outside the FH community by raising awareness of the burden of FH among healthcare professionals and policy-makers, and advancing global public policy on FH.